Our team has provided high quality, reality-based training to first responder agencies of all sizes and
descriptions throughout the United States. The foundation upon which all of our services were built stems from the 40-hour Crisis Intervention Team certification training. Other training includes CIT-Youth training; and, customized training incorporating job-specific role-play scenarios. Other class topics are crisis intervention and de-escalation, disabilities education, active listening skills and much more.
Customized training is designed to meet your agency’s specific needs. We specialize in designing and implementing highly impactful training that gives your staff advanced skills with a high degree of
transference to the workplace and knowledge retention that extends far beyond traditional classroom training.

40-hour Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Training
Originally developed as a collaborative effort in Memphis, Tennessee in response to an unfortunate fatal outcome involving a mentally ill man in crisis, the CIT model has been widely recognized as the best practice for law enforcement response to psychiatric emergencies. While maintaining fidelity to the original CIT model, our staff can develop and implement CIT training customized to your agency’s local needs and resources, including patrol and detention-based (other occupations may be customized) CIT certification courses, CIT scenario coach training, CIT-Youth training for individuals who may work with youth in crisis, and specialized training for telecommunicators and others.
De-escalation Training
Law enforcement and corrections practitioners are keenly aware of the impact that high-profile incidents across the country have had on how they police their communities. Verbal conflict de-escalation training has emerged as an imperative for local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies, and has been increasing as a mandate by state regulatory agencies in a number of states. J.C. Santelli Training and Consulting, LLC can deliver off-the-shelf or customized training to meet your agency’s specific needs, augmented by highly realistic scenario training to translate course content into real-world skills that transfer directly to the workplace.
Mental Health First Aid Training
Mental Health First Aid is an 8-hour course that educates its participants on how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. The training provides the skills needed to reach out and provide initial help and support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem or experiencing a crisis.